Travel the world your way.
Curating the wonders of the world, for those daring enough to explore


You're here for a trip that will light you up. You're here for the knowledge and unique insight of a destination that can only come with experience; plus a service that’ll blow you away. 

You can find that anywhere.

you're not here to buy travel

"It is better to travel well, than to arrive"
- Buddha 


Epic trips, made easy

A vacation should be enjoyable from start to finish, but what you need is a getaway, not a research gig. Ditch google and the wasted hours; let your personal Travel Designer wow you with a luxury journey unlike any other.

Creative itineraries backed by extensive knowledge and a passion for travel. I’ve carefully cultivated a global network of top notch partners, so you’re in good hands no matter where the world takes you. 

The great Anthony Bourdain said it best, "When dealing with complex transportation issues, the best thing to do is pull up with a cold beer and let somebody else figure it out."


Hi, I'm Elizabeth

While planning epic trips for my travelers, you can find me roaming around the globe with my 3 kids in tow. I’m fascinated by the exciting adventures to be had around the world, and the thrill of exploring it all is my guiding light. 

Travel is truly my passion; sending you on amazing trips is what I do best. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just starting out, I'll design the best experience for you. That’s something google just can’t do. 

Let's talk travel!


Email Me To Start Planning